Masport Heating
Masport HeatingProject
Brand IdentityPrintWhat we delivered
Brand IdentityPublication DesignAgency
Beans & RIceWarming Kiwi homes since 1973
Masport Heating is a household New Zealand fireplace specialist. Offering quality and innovation and are proud to be at the forefront of a new generation of clean burning, ultra-efficient wood burners.
Our challenge was to rebrand Masport Heating and create a clear identity away from Masport – an outdoor power equipment and leisure products company that once included Masport Heating. Differentiation and rejuvenating the identity were key, while retaining exisiting brand heritage is also important for this well established brand. Shifting the brand from an afterthought of the old to a strong and independent icon that people can continue to trust.
Modern and contemporary was key and these are the foundations on how the latest fireplaces are made. The new look embraced the angled badge identity and a modern type family has been employed. A set of graphic icons were also developed for communicating key messages. The new catalogues shows a glimpse of the new visual direction for Masport Heating to reflect their values.